Sunday, December 12, 2010


Dhanusha is one of the biggest district of  Nepal. There are many beautiful places in this district. Janakpur zone is lies in this district. In this district most of the part of the terai is located. There is a plain land having beautiful views. Due to the falling of  Terai region in this district it is more popular of greenery environment. There are many greeney forest in this district. There are many village and less city in this district. Due to this there is no pollution and blowing fresh air all around. In this district there many  religious and historical places which is not popular in Nepal only, it is popular all over the world. Janakpurdham is one of the most popular religious as well as historical places which is situated at dhanusha district. It is popular, because this is the birth place of  Lord Sita. And Lord Ram had came to Janakpur to marry with Lord Sita. In ancient period Janakpur was a separate state known as Mithila. The king of the Mithila state was King Janak,father of Lord Sita. Now Mithila is modernised to Janakpur. Dhanushadham is also one of the religious place of Dhanusha district. It is popular because there is a broken arrow of  Lord Shiv which was broked in the Soyambar of Lord Sita by Lord Ram.

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